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Penis Enlargement Solutions with Proven Results

Would you consider enlarging your penis if it did not involve surgery, could be performed within an hour, was reversible but long lasting, had minimal down time and you could see the results immediately?

In today’s environment men are much better groomed, have more knowledge about what is available on the market, and whilst they can work on their fitness, physique and skin they never really had a cosmetic option to increase their penis size.

Studies show that up to 60% of men are unsatisfied with the size or appearance of their penis. Men have the same concerns about their bodies as women do and may lack confidence because of this.

Due to lack of time and work / life / family commitments, many patients are seeking non-surgical solutions to assist in areas of concern. The CALIBRE procedure offers a solution lead by innovator and facial plastic and ENT surgeon Dr Jayson Oates FRACS. With over 20 years of experience, and his extensive knowledge, he has developed the CALIBRE technique – an in-clinic, doctor-performed injectable procedure designed to noticeably increase erect and flaccid penile girth, along with flaccid length.

During the consultation with your certified CALIBRE doctor, the size and amount of product needed will be discussed as each patient is different.

Penis Enlargement Australia Clinics and Certified Doctors

The team at CALIBRE Clinic have now performed more injectable penis enlargement procedures than any other practitioner or clinic in Australia. Our certified CALIBRE Doctors are trained by Dr Jayson Oates FRACS, innovator of the procedure, personally and provide a non-surgical one hour in-clinic solution to your concerns. Read more below and see how we can help improve your lifestyle.


CALIBRE Explained

CALIBRE is a cosmetic medical technique involving the injection of dermal fillers just below the penile skin, much like the injection of dermal fillers into the lips and cheeks since the 1990s.

CALIBRE is designed to noticeably increase erect and flaccid penis girth or circumference. It can also be used to augment the glans corona or rim of the penile head. A 15ml Package will often increase flaccid circumference by 1 inch, which results in around 0.5 to 0.7 inches when erect. Larger volumes also tend to increase flaccid length due to the extra weight. The results are immediate, long lasting and can be completed during a 1 hour in-clinic session.*

There is no reported change in patient erection or sensation, but the results are generally evident to sexual partners.

Understanding of penile anatomy and function, the injection technique and the product viscosity gradient is critical to ensure optimal enhancement and a smooth, symmetrical outcome. Due to the nature and sensitivity of the area injected, it is imperative you consult with a certified CALIBRE Doctor, who has the experience of performing numerous CALIBRE procedures.

* Patients are unique so their results will vary based upon existing size, circumcision, natural bands of skin and other factors.

Dr Jason Oats - Calibre Clinic

Your First Step

The most difficult factor is getting over the natural shyness of booking a consultation. All our staff are experienced discussing intimate procedures and recognise the importance of discretion and confidentiality.

Our objective is to support, clarify and offer solutions to assist you with your concerns during your confidential consultation. We encourage you to raise any questions or concerns you have about size, the treatment and functionality following the CALIBRE procedure. Your doctor will explain the procedure, take some measurements and advise on your suitability for treatment, including appropriate volumes to achieve your desired results.



There are many dermal filler products and brands available with widely varying quality, results, price, longevity and side-effects. What is of utmost importance is that the injection of dermal fillers are safe, performed by an experience Doctor, reversible or naturally resorbed and can produce realistic results. Unknown or long-term risks are not acceptable options when considering penis augmentation.

After 3 years of product trials, CALIBRE Clinic has identified a small range of dermal filler options to suit varying patient circumstances. The best product for you will be determined after a detailed explanation of risks and benefits during your confidential doctor consultation.

For more information on penile augmentation products and their characteristics, please review our comparison chart here

CALIBRE Clinic does not support the injection of any permanent fillers as these have an unaccepted risk profile.

There is no generalisation when it comes to CALIBRE. Our patients have ranged from 20 – 65 years, from all backgrounds and penis size. Most guys just want to be comfortable and confident with the appearance of their penis. CALIBRE is suitable for all men who:

  • lack confidence as a result of their current penis size;
  • have irregular penile shape due to medical conditions, prior surgery or injury; or
  • wish to increase penis size to enhance sexual intimacy for their partner.

What is important is having realistic expectations of what can and cannot be achieved given your unique personal circumstances. This will be discussed and explained during your confidential doctor consultation.

You may be treated if circumcised or uncircumcised. CALIBRE is not designed to correct Peyronies (curvature of the penis caused by the build up of scar tissue/plaque). However, we may recommend PRP-Shot therapy and/or Shock Wave Treatment to help break down this scar tissue and straighten the penis.

At Academy Laser Clinics, we typically use cross-linked sugar-based dermal fillers supplied by one of the most reputable manufacturers in the world. This makes it a little more expensive, however, we know these products have been used safely and extensively for many years world-wide and produce good longevity in most patients.

These cross-linked fillers are naturally integrated into the penile tissue after 2 weeks and then slowly metabolized and resorbed by the body. We expect CALIBRE to last between 18-24 months, sometimes longer*, but may require small top-ups to maintain the desired results.

There is also some evidence that large volumes and repeat injections of dermal filler will have longer effect due to the stimulation of collagen where the filler is placed, which is called fibrogenesis.

CALIBRE Clinic is currently investigating other safe and potentially longer-lasting dermal fillers. These products have a different mechanism and risk profile, but may be more suitable for some patients. Product options can be discussed and explained during your confidential doctor consultation. As new CALIBRE product options are made available, we will update details and pricing here.

* There are a small percentage of patients who will break down dermal fillers more rapidly, which may be due to a higher metabolism, medical conditions or medications that are being taken. It is unknown exactly why this happens and it is not possible to identify prior to treatment. We are currently researching other cosmetic filler options for these patients, but this will require a second treatment session.

Injections into the penis have been around for a long time. In Korea, where penile augmentation is probably more common than anywhere else in the world, 80% is done by injection of HA dermal fillers, which studies have shown to be a safe and effective option to increase penis size.

The dermal filler works just like it does on the face and other body parts. It is injected just below the surface of the skin and is naturally integrated into the penile tissue after 1-2 weeks. Up until then, the product can be gently massaged to smooth out any bumps and ensure even coverage. It takes a couple weeks for the dermal filler to stabilise, absorb water and look its best, after which, it is slowly metabolized and resorbed by the body over 1 to 2 years, sometimes longer.

Fortunately, HAs are completely and rapidly reversible in the event of any complications (which are rare).

CALIBRE Clinic is investigating other suitable dermal fillers for penile augmentation. If considering another dermal filler product, your doctor will explain the potential risks and side-effects, including the ability to break-down the product if required.


The most difficult thing is getting over the natural shyness of booking a consultation. All our staff are experienced discussing intimate procedures and recognise the importance of discretion.

You will immediately feel at ease during your confidential doctor consultation and we encourage you to raise any questions or concerns you have about size, the treatment and the likely outcomes. Your doctor will explain the procedure, take some measurements and advise on your suitability for treatment, including appropriate volumes to achieve your desired results.


Once you have decided to proceed with CALIBRE treatment, there are a few preparation steps, as follows:

Please avoid blood thinning and anti-inflammatory mediations such as Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Gingko Biloba, Steroids, Chinese and herbal medicine for 3 – 4 days before treatment to minimise the chance of swelling and bruising.

Hair trimming is good a few days prior to treatment.

Numbing cream – will be supplied at time of booking or you may purchase this from any chemist (e.g. Emla in a 5% tube). Please apply this as directed.

Please arrive 15 minutes before your treatment time and we can apply some extra numbing cream if you would like.

The Procedure

CALIBRE is performed as an in-clinic procedure, over 1-3 sessions, by our certified CALIBRE Doctors. With the use of numbing cream, there is minimal discomfort. The dermal filler is also laced with lidocaine, which numbs the area instantly.

Your Doctor may use a medication that induces a temporary erection, to enable more even placement of product along the shaft. Filler will be injected and moulded using a smooth micro-cannula and your doctor may also suggest 2-3ml of filler into the head or glans of the penis, if this is required for symmetry. The procedure will take between 30-90 mins depending on how much product you are having.

Whilst you may experience some tenderness following the procedure, most patients report no downtime and you can generally return to normal daily activities immediately. It is fine to drive home. We recommend the following post-care:

  • After the procedure, a stretchy bandage or silicone sheath will be wrapped around the penis to minimise swelling, assist with product placement and prevent retraction. We ask that you leave this on for a minimum of 24-48 hours and you may re-wrap if the bandage comes off sooner.
  • Try to point the penis “up” for a few days after treatment.
  • It may take a couple hours for the induced erection to subside, please try to urinate once it has. Where erection lasts for longer than 4 hours, please follow post-care instructions to help this settle.
  • There is some malleability to the product for 2 weeks after injection. You may use this time to massage any bumps or smooth irregularities, but please don’t over do it. The dermal filler will integrate with penile tissue after 2 weeks so any residual bumps after this time will need to be dissolved or break down over time.
  • Avoid intercourse or manual satisfaction for 5 days and no unprotected anal sex for 1 week. Keep the penis clean and wash after sex for the first week.
  • Take any medications that have been prescribed by your treating doctor.
  • Unless otherwise instructed, do not use penis extenders or other devices that fasten around the shaft for at least 4 weeks. Tight straps or vacuum devices may cause the product to shift or cause indents.
  • Dermal fillers may interact negatively with Vitamin E, blood thinning medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and St John’s Wort. Unless prescribed, do not take these for a few days before or after CALIBRE treatment.
  • You may drive immediately after treatment and no time off work is required.
  • Whilst complications are rare, you may experience:
  • Some bruising and tenderness – this varies a lot from patient to patient. Bruising will often become more apparent a day or 2 after the procedure.
  • Swelling for a few days that may be quite impressive. Do not be alarmed, this will settle and if required, we will provide you with anti-swelling medication. If swelling remains beyond a few days, please contact our clinic.
  • Due to natural tissue bands under the penile skin that can be difficult to identify along with normal penile retraction when flaccid, we may not achieve perfect symmetry in a single session. For this reason, we prefer to inject in a 2-phase program, with corrections made during the 2nd session.
  • If you have any significant pain or difficulty passing urine, please call and speak to one of our therapists as soon as possible.
  • It takes a couple weeks for our dermal fillers to stabilise, absorb water and look its best. For this reason, we ask you to come back for a follow-up consultation 3-4 weeks after treatment. If more product is required to ensure even coverage, this can be injected during your follow-up consultation.

For CALIBRE penis augmentation, you must:

  • Be over 18 years of age.
  • Not be suffering from any serious health conditions (e.g. severe infectious diseases, vascular or lymphatic complications, etc.)
  • Not have any active STIs.
  • Not have previous sensitivity to Hyaluronic Acid or other dermal fillers.
  • If you have a history of other penile surgery (PMMA/silicone injection, fat injection, etc.), please discuss this with during doctor consultation to determine your suitability for treatment.
  • There are a small group of patients who break down dermal fillers more rapidly or who experience migration of HA products. This may be due to a higher metabolism, medical conditions or medications that are being taken. It is not known exactly why this happens and it is not possible to identify prior to treatment. We are currently researching other cosmetic filler options for these patients, but this will require a second treatment session.
  • CALIBRE is not a treatment to resolve bends in the penis or to address impotence symptoms.

CALIBRE non-surgical penis enlargement is a medical procedure, for which you can check detailed penis enlargement cost on the pricing page here.

CALIBRE consultation fees start from $170 AUD.

CALIBRE NON-SURGICAL PENIS ENLARGEMENTYou can also check out Dr Jayson Oates’ forums on Phalloboards to read detailed threads about the injectable phalloplasty procedure!

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